Sunday, December 7, 2008


So, Antagonist Online goes down next month. And I can't afford to keep the domain. Well, I can. I just don't really want to. I can just as easily use a sub-domain of Blogspot.

So that's what I'll be doing.

I'll have a new space soon. But for now, there's a lot going on in my life I need to focus on. Finals are next week, Christmas is not that far from it. I have to clean and pack so that I can go home after finals for three weeks. I have a lot of people to meet and catch up with.

I don't have time to really do much other than focus on what needs to be done. So this is just a quick note saying that I will return with new blogs, stories, and adventures.

It won't be Antagonist.

Antagonist was almost a diary I kept online for myself, family and friends. I will most certainly keep a diary/personal blog on my new site but it won't be as prominant.

My new site is going to be for things I have created. This could be anything from a doodle I drew in class, a poem I wrote while I was struggling with something, to a full on story, book, video, or otherwise.

It's not exactly a new years resolution for me so much as I wanted to start writing more and when I sat down and started writing in a composition book a month ago, I discovered what I had to write wasn't just words. I started writing one page "stories" and on the back I wrote a brief description of what was going through my mind while I wrote/drew it.

It ended up being a pretty fascinating side project. And it's something I want to do and share with people.

So, sometime after the semester is over, I'll post here again and let you know what is going on. For now, I must go finish more homework and keep working on my final project.

Till next time,

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